Tuesday, May 31, 2016

It Matters

What is your motivation for doing things?

Does your career just satisfy your financial needs or does it satisfy your passion?

Do you believe innocent until proven guilty?

Do you set the example or wait for the example to be set?

Do you believe misery loves company?

Do you go out of your way to help others or expect someone to help you?

Do you go without in order for some else doesn't have too?

Do you sit back n watch or do you pitch in?

Do you believe in misery loves company?

Do you cause your own chaos and then blame others?

Do you believe in do as I say and not as I do.

Do you speak up or regret you did not?

Do you inspire others or tear them down?

I need to share this with you guys. Take it as you will. I wrote 90 percent of this blog during my lunch break at work this morning. I just needed an ending.

Sometimes Fate will give us what we need if we just wait for it.

I was reminded how negative behavior effects everyone we are around, today. Especially the ones that we think are not paying attention. We are human beings and for that reason alone, we need to respect one another, each moment, of each day, and always.

That sometimes we have to take an unexpected hit, that cuts us deeply, but we need to keep moving forward. That our motivation is what drives us. It is our choice to be a positive force or a negative one.

If we have any hope for the future of this world, it is through our kids. We need to show them what a positive world can be like and that it starts with what You are doing, not what everyone else is doing.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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