Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Rose

Do you remember your first heartbreak? Some of us can and others, well it has happened so much so, that we don't, we can only remember the last time it was broken. It is sad that we have been hurt so many times that we have no choice but to put up walls protecting us. When someone new comes along, they want to peel back the layers or knock down these walls we have built up. 

Ever wonder why it is so hard for them to do?

An excerpt into a person's broken heart: 

I am tired of pretending to care. To go through this dance of getting to know each other. I know how it will end. I will give way too much of myself and you will not like what you see. I cannot risk having my heart broken one more time. I just wanted to be loved, for who I am. I wanted to feel alive again. I wanted to feel sexy again. I just wanted to feel wanted again. I wanted to hand you my broken pieces for you to keep in a safe place. You didn't have to put them back together, just accept them.  I wanted to look at you and know that I was finally home.

I will reinforce my walls. I will suppress the need to feel loved. I will move on. I will live without being loved until I can no longer remember what it is like to be loved.


To you trying to break down the walls:

Think the next time you want to break down someones wall. Think about what you are doing to them. Where they have been. How hard it is for them to let go and give you their heart. They are not fighting you, they are protecting their own heart. 

Some are so broken, that they cannot see the love in your eyes. They have buried their hearts so deeply, they are terrified of giving it out again. Do not underestimate your power you give them. Patience. A thousands times again and then again. When they finally do give you their heart, it will be the best love story ever written.

To you with the broken heart:

It saddens me that it has been broken so many times, that you feel you do not deserve to be loved. I am fighting back the tears that I want to shed with you. I am so sorry that you feel broken inside. I can only tell you that you need to be braver than you have ever been in your entire life right now. You can open your heart again. There is a great love waiting for you. You are lucky. You can trust again. You have forgotten that with each time you felt broken, you have become stronger. You know this. You know there is that shimmer of hope telling you that you want to let go this time. Trust you. Trust that this is the time. You are strong enough. You are You.

Regardless of your past. Regardless of how many times your heart has been demolished. You are so worthy of being loved. I know this. I know you. I have been you.

You no longer have to stay buried so deep in the snow. You no longer have to be afraid.

You are The Rose.

I do so love you. And yes, I am talking directly to You.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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