Sunday, May 15, 2016


Dreams. What do they mean to you?

Often we do not remember our dreams. A lot of times it is just stuff we have come across throughout our busy day or we are trying to process something within our subconscious.

I do not remember my dreams every time I do dream. The ones that I do remember have some message that I need in that moment of time. Mostly I can figure them out and if not then I use a dream site to help.

I love those dreams that take you places. They make you feel you are exactly living in the moment of reality and not in a dream. I had one of those last night. I can truthfully say I have only had that kind a couple of times over the years. At least from what I can remember, anyways.

I came across this saying today and knew what I experienced last night was solidified. The message was sent.

Whether you have dreams or not. Believe that they can sometimes contain a message. I think we remember the dreams we are supposed to remember.

That some of us are just more open in accepting them than others.

We are sent help/discernment when needed in a variety of ways.

The mind, in a relaxed state, is still a mind. There is no shut off switch.

What better way to send a message when there is no other choice but to listen?

Sweet dreams or none at all.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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