Monday, May 2, 2016

Is your garden in full bloom?

The definition of Common Sense: Sound practical judgement that is independent of specialized knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence.

Pretty simple, right? One would think all humans have it. I was talking with a friend today. She told me about a chat she had with her boss.
Here is the chat they had:

Friend- The pot that I use has been giving me shocks when I touch it. It needs to get fixed.
The Boss- Well did you touch it today?

Then the boss finally calls it in. He is on the phone with the repair person.

Boss- Did you try plugging it into another socket?
Friend-No and I am not going to. I get shocked every time I touch it.

I was out shopping one day last week. I was on my way home from work when I realized that I didn't take anything out for dinner. I stopped at a store that was right by my house. I now remember why I hate going in there, even for just for a few items.

Me- I put my items on the belt from my cart.
Cashier-Picks up one of the items, looks at me and asks me if I meant to buy this item?
Me-Umm yeah I did, that's what I plan to do with all of the items I put on the belt.
Cashier-Oh, I wasn't sure.

Pretty funny stuff. It actually makes me laugh and be like, "What the heck People!!!!" We are in the 21st Century!!

I am sure you can come up with your own moments. I get we can be having an off day, stressed out, mind on other things, but it just seems that more and more there is a lot less of Common Sense out there in this world today!!!!

So take a moment and recall the moments you were a victim of someones lack of Common Sense, and have a good laugh.  It is Monday after all!

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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