Thursday, May 19, 2016


It is very easy to be proud of our choices when they work out for us.

What about when they do not? Does it make you spiral downward?

We tend to beat ourselves up a bit when a choice we made ends up being a mistake. The mistake is believing it was a bad choice for us.

 I think we need to look at as a life lesson. Sometimes we believe so strongly that we are making the right choice for us and take it so personally when it doesn't work out the way we had planned.

What if we viewed it as, well if I didn't try it than I wouldn't know it was not for me. What if we learn something new about ourselves that we didn't realize we needed to learn?

There are reasons for the choices we make. Are you in the right frame of mind when making the choice? Maybe at the time it is made, we felt so passionate about it, it seems to be the only logical choice to be made.

What choice do you make when the other option terrifies you? Do you throw caution to the wind and jump in without looking? Or do you play it safe and then regret it?

Even when a choice appears to be the best choice for you, in the moment, can end up being the wrong choice.

You will never grow, learn or try new things if you play it safe all the time. Mistakes were made to happen.

Life is meant to bring you experiences, good and bad.

Mistakes are just that, mistakes. They do not define you and you shouldn't let it.

Experience it all. Embrace all the edges you have.

Sometimes being on the wrong path is exactly where you need to be in order to get to the right one.

 Living life means sometimes it gets messy.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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