Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I am a "Hot Mess"

My work week starts on a Saturday and ends on Friday. Every week. That's my work week. Roughly 40hrs. Give or take. My personal life takes up the other 128 hours I have left of the week.

This current week that I am in has been, well, wicked wouldn't be the right word exactly to describe it.

My work life has been one catastrophic casualty after another. Equipment malfunctions, unscheduled meetings, and chaos. And yes I burned my arm once again. My personal life has been hectic  and only a few minor catastrophic events.

I have come to accept these moments of chaos, for they happen, and take them for what they are. They are out of my control. I have accepted that odd things will happen to me, regardless of my attitude or perspective. I am a "Hot Mess" always.

Personal life- No decent nights sleep to be had. Unexpected car service. Meaningful conversations to ensure proper guidance. Food must be bought and prepared. Planning. Haircuts. Car malfunctions. Small almost fire in kitchen. Laundry. Housework. The usual. Life.

Except in my case just about everything that can go wrong did and with a twist.

It doesn't matter the exact details. It just has been one of those weeks in my life. I realized something important today. That even though I am a hot mess, and these things will happen, I still have laughed and a good deep belly one at that! I had comical relief at work today with some of the best co-workers/friends that I am humbled to be around with daily!! Sitting around the dinner table and laughing was probably the best medicine I could of asked for. FYI When one preheats an oven, one should check to see if there are cutting boards in said oven first. And yes they will smolder before bursting into flames. It will also cause your house to smell and take hours to clean said oven.

Tomorrow is my last day of work for this week and whatever it brings me, I know that I will embrace it and endure it. I am a glorious Hot Mess and I accept it. Well except the oven thing, I do not need a repeat of that!!

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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