Monday, May 16, 2016

Assume Nothing

Today is Monday. I kept thinking today was Tuesday all day!!! Everyone would correct me and I still thought it was Tuesday!!!

As a Baker, I kept thinking that I need to be prepping for the ad change out and getting set up for new sale items. The entire day I was being corrected.

It felt like a Tuesday. Nothing major going on. Easy day actually. I just assumed it was Tuesday. This led me to the thought of assuming. I talked with a friend that I haven't seen in awhile and we talked about how people assume things.

We have all heard the saying "When you Assume, You make an Ass out of U and Me!"

I am so guilty of allowing people to assume things about me. Sometimes I don't really care what they think of me. Like when you assume you know my motives or how I feel towards something that is opposite to how I feel. How something really went down and so on. If I care about you, than yes I do care what you think of me. I care that you didn't ask me directly and make assumptions about me.

So I ask you, why do you assume so easily, instead of just asking?  I do my best to not assume. I do a good job of it. But I am not perfect and there are times that I do assume. The more I thought about it the more I came to my reasoning for it. It is simple actually. I just don't care enough to find out the truth about it. When it matters to me, I ask. I think most of us do. The others, well I think their intent is different.

Think about what assuming has done for you, to you and others. I do not think there are many assumptions that are actually good ones.

I assumed when I started this blog, I wouldn't have enough to write about often and at some point it would just fade away. I was wrong. I assumed no one would want to read it. I was wrong. I assumed I would have nothing to say. I was wrong. I assumed that people wouldn't like my viewpoint. I was wrong. I assumed that nobody would get anything out of it. I was wrong.

I have moments when a thought will not leave my head until I get it out here. It starts off as a thought and becomes this statement that I know is meant for someone. There are many perspectives to be viewed from. I'm thankful that you have chosen to view mine. I am glad that I didn't let the assumptions out weigh the choice to find out the truth for me.

Assuming can change feelings, dreams, and the possibility of so much more than what the truth will give you. Even if the truth ends up hurting you.

What about you? Will you continue to ASSUME or do you care enough to seek the truth?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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