Monday, May 30, 2016

Mirror, Mirror on the wall.....

Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder who is staring back at you?

It is hard to look in the mirror and not like what you see. How long will you continue to look and look without doing anything?

I think we have a habit of just going with the flow of life that we do not realize that have forgotten the path we were originally on.  We start living the life that we think we have wanted all a long. Only to wake up one day realizing that this path we chose, isn't where we belong.

A relationship. A new career path. A relocation. Going back to a former job. Death of a loved one. Divorce. A million and one ways we can end up on a path.

Sometimes it is our choice that brings us to this new path. We are all excited about it and can't wait to begin. What happens when we get there we find out it is not for us? I think pride gets in the way. The inability to admit that we made a mistake will keep us going on a path not meant for us.  This will chip away at us and slowly change us into something unrecognizable. 

What if we are thrown upon this new path? No say. No choice given. We are forced to travel down this new path, a path we did not choose to take. Bitterness can slowly creep in changing us inch by inch until it takes us over completely. 

How about fear? The fear of change. Fearing something will stop us from trying something new. Fear will leave us stuck in the same place, doing the same thing, and moment by moment we will be filled with regrets.

Taking control of our lives is the answer. Not being ashamed of our choices, circumstances or mistakes. We are human. We are not perfect. There are times that we have to go through it alone and times when we need to ask for help.

Take time to look in the mirror. Reflect (no pun intended) on what you don't like and how you want to change it. Solace can be so soothing for the soul. Find a place that brings you peace. I personally find peace when I am at the beach. Something about the sound of the waves crashing and the ocean air brings me an inner peace like nothing else. It centers me. What centers you?

Knowing your circle will help.  Who gets you like no other? Who will be the most kind and honest? Or give you that long deserved kick in the ass saying, "It's about damn time you came for help!"

Now that you have decided to take a good long look in the mirror, can you continue on the same wrong path or will you take a good look around and take the steps needed to forge a new path?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


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