Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Look to the Cookie!!!

Hi, my name is Jackie and I have issues with the Oreo cookie.

I went to the grocery store with two of my kids tonight. We were at the checkout and they have these $1 snacks by the registers. I told them they could pick something out. They chose the mini-Oreo peanut butter filled cookies. In the car they gave me one to try. I do not care for the taste of the peanut butter and Oreo combo. I  do not like this, or any other mini version of a any cookie.

I do not like what they represent. "Here just have a little bit. Smaller version. Not as many calories. Not as fattening."

Do you see a problem with that?  What is your version of a "snack size?" Why do we need someone to tell us what and how much we can eat?

I grew up with normal portions of food being advertised. Fast food restaurants made normal sized burgers. Those burgers today, are what is given in a kids meal nowadays. A meal was, by today's standards, a kids meal,  just marketed for adults. A package of cookies was enough for a large family to snack on and more than once.

Somewhere along the way, someone decided it wasn't enough. An adult needs a bigger meal. They need double stuffed Oreo's. Years go by and food portions go out of control. Hmmm we now seem to have an obesity problem in society. Yet, our fashion sense says we need to be skinny in order to be considered normal and sexy(notice how they use sex appeal instead of being smart). Oh, I know what to do. Since we have gotten Americans addicted to bad fast food, have loaded them with unnecessary sugar, and abnormally large portion sizes. Now let's offer them the same high empty calorie food but make it cute and call it a snack size instead. Then when they go out to eat they can order the triple burger because they chose a smaller snack version!!

Think about about it. Seriously this is the way they keep their pockets fat and you too!!!

I choose to decide for myself what I eat, how much of it and when I want it. I choose to eat a normal size meal, a normal size cookie and food made from normal/natural ingredients.  When I want to splurge on something, I will. I will balance my diet with exercise. I will be the weight I am comfortable with and that will make me normal for me. Self-confidence in myself is what makes me smart and strong, being sexy is just a result of that.

Look to the cookie people!!! Look to the cookie!!! A cookie may crumble but it doesn't lie. Advertising does that for you.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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