Friday, May 6, 2016


We have those moments in life where we feel that we are done. A job, career, person, habit or even a thing, we just feel that we cannot do it anymore. We may even question our own judgment in the first place.  Committing ourselves to something that has so many obstacles and drama, that it can make us feel it is not worth the struggle anymore.

How do we know when it's time to give up?  Is it really worth the obstacles we keep facing? That silly little saying keeps popping in my thoughts, "Something worth having, is worth fighting for".

I think that in the beginning we can imagine what achieving the goal will be like. We may even develop an unrealistic view about it. Making it so grand, that the reality of what it takes to get there, is rather disappointing. We sometimes get caught up in how we think it will go, we often get bogged down with the journey itself.

The reason there is a journey is to show what the goal truly consists of. We can't know until we see all sides of it. Does the darkness scare you more than the shinny moments?

Nothing in this world is perfect and shinny all the time. Do not be afraid of the challenges, drama and chaos that it may bring. It is not meant to bring about doubt in us. It is meant to challenge us. Inspire us. Develop us. It will allow us to be all that we can be.

Be sure you don't give up because it is not ideal or what you thought it would be like. You may miss out on the best thing to ever happen in your life.

Discover yourself on the journey. Obtain the dream or realize the need to create a new one.  There is no shame in knowing what is truly best for you.

Face your doubts and always keep moving forward.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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