Saturday, May 28, 2016


Sometimes when I am doing housework, I put on my headphones and blast the music. This song came on and it struck me differently today.  I know what the song is really about. But, as you guys know by now, inspiration comes to me in unique ways.

The line "All I really want is something beautiful to say" and the song title itself, "Words as Weapons", stood out for me today. 

Words as Weapons. I think we are all guilty of this one. Hurt feelings and heated arguments can lead to using words to be hurtful. We can be in a cranky mood. Just intolerant of someones behavior. A negative person to begin with. This can cause us to say the words and then come to regret them later.  Are we just expressing what we are feeling in the moment, with all those feelings we should of expressed earlier mixed in? Or it is the last straw for us?

Why is that? Why do we hold in our emotions instead of just saying them in the moment that we need too? Are we too afraid to hurt the other person? Do we not care enough about their feelings to say what we need to say when we should? Afraid of Conflict?  What ever the reason we have for not saying what we need to in the moment that we should, is not a good enough reason to allow them to come to explode in a heated moment. At that point the words we should have said long ago, come out bitter and with new meaning.

I think we all have something beautiful to say, when they are said in the right moment.  It does not matter if it the words will be hurtful or not.  When said in the moment that they are needed to be spoken in, they come out as they are meant to be heard. 

It is a declaration of how you truly feel, and how can that not be anything but beautiful?

                         **I am at my breaking point**

                         **I Love you**

                         **I want more**

                         **I cannot give more**

                         **I need you**
Whatever the words that you need to say, say them in that moment. Do not hold on to them. The moment will pass and you will either regret that you did not say them or hold on to them to let them sit where they will bother you until you do get them out. No matter the timing they will come out.

When we truly value what we care for or love, we should truly value the words that we use. When we are on the receiving end of these words we need to be sure that we are listening with an open heart and mind.

Do not let fear or conflict cause you to turn your beautiful words into bitter ones.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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