Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Dandelion...

I saw this on a friend's FB page.  Does this image bring you back to your childhood days? It did for me. I started thinking about making wishes and how carefree n fun it was to make those wishes on a Dandelion. The joys of childhood days.

Did you wish on a Dandelion? What kind of wishes did you make? 

I miss the innocence of childhood. How families stuck together, no matter what. How friendships were made so easily. A pinky promise was worth more than gold, any day!! How when you had a friend the worst thing was fighting over toys, what game to play or which house to play at. Parents had all the worries and we had none. 

How fun it was being so carefree most days. Having moments that I can look back at with a fondness and cherish those memories made.

How making wishes that were made with such hope and lightness. I tried thinking back to what wishes I had made back then. I really don't remember.

I started thinking what would I wish for today? 

World peace? That is a joke. In order to have world peace there would have to be a huge change in mankind. I am not that hopeful. 

Money? Money can bring stress and unhappiness.

Happiness? I have a happy life.

An easy life? Than how would I learn anything?

A simple life? I think I am pretty close to that. I am not a materialistic person. I try not to clutter my life. 

Love? I have love in my life.

I think wishes were made for childhood days. As an adult it makes me sad. We learn that childhood days are just that, the past of carefree wishes for the future. Hard work gives you what you need to live life as an adult. Dreams turn into goals, that we may or may not achieve and that's okay. Pinky swears turned into contracts. Our wishes have changed. The saying, "Careful what you wish for" has true meaning to us adults. 

The magic of childhood is long gone. We can have fun, joy and promises of adulthood. There are some perks to being an adult. We make our own decisions, money and can have cake for breakfast. There is no Good Breakfast Police after all!!!

Sometimes adult life can bog us down. Doing the career thing. The parent thing. The married thing. The soccer mom thing. The friend thing. The spread yourself too thin thing. That we choose to make our adult life magical or not. If we don't like something, we have the ability to change it.

That we have the power to make our adult life magical if we choose too. 

That if I come across a dandelion, I will still pluck it, make a wish, blow it into the wind and for a moment, be brought back to my childhood memories.

Will you?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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