Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Table for one please!!

I saw this and immediately thought, this is so me!!! 

I am human. I get cranky. I get tired. I get to a point where I just do not want to deal with anything fake, stressful or negative. I will remove myself from all contact, except which is necessary, until I can gather enough strength to meet the world again.

There are so many politics in this world. Kid politics. Parent politics. Family politics. Career politics. Friend politics. Dealing with the Public politics. Real Politics. And so on....  It can be so draining at times.

I try to be real in all politics of life. I am not much of a faker. My eyes are certainly a window to my soul, as much as I try to hide what they show sometimes, it never works.

I am frustrated with my children's public education they are receiving. I have to help them fight their battles. I am currently dealing with a teenager and a teacher who both have valid arguments. In the middle of this battle, I realize that when I was going to school it seemed that the teachers genuinely cared at this level, well all levels really. Now it seems the goal is to just push them through it or if they can't do it quick enough, we will just flunk them out and have them take an easy make up course over the summer. Our job is done. We did our job according to the education system. We can walk away and now focus on the students to which learning comes easily in all subjects. Seriously?

I have another child who suffers from Scoliosis. Yeah, I have to stay on top of that too. Permission to bring in a water bottle and place it on her desk. Athletic limitations. Medical requests. Never ending it seems. Same school, going on 3 years, same restrictions. Can you get it already, please?

Work politics, well, I will just leave that alone today.

The public. Never ending. When I do something kind for someone, like a pay it forward deal, I get a look of WOW, so nice of you. They actually have complete surprise in their eyes. Then the person behind me whispers, why couldn't that be us??

The political scene. Do not vote for this one or that one. All lies and secrets are exposed. It is more of a mud-slinging-who-can-throw-the-most-dirt-campaign-for-presidency-of-the-United-States. Doesn't that just make you so proud to be an American??

Friend politics. If you are not genuine with me, do not waste your time. I am over and done with that.

In a world that is more concerned with looking right, than being right. Teaching as I do not as I say. Being nice while stabbing you in the back. Greediness is the New Black. You are teaching the world to treat you the same way as you are treating them and that message is, that life is all about you and only you.

I am no way perfect. I have made huge mistakes, screw-ups and you name it, yeah I am guilty of it too. I took a much needed 1 1/2 hour nap today. And by the time you read this, I will be in bed for the night.

I burn myself out until I crash and miss out on something of value because of it.  Someday I will learn my lesson. I will learn not to over extend myself. I will learn that to be unique, kind, and genuine is all that I will need to be me and that doesn't mean I have to do it all. That there are some people like me in this world. That it is okay to be different. That all this negativity does roll off my shoulders most days. Some days I am just tired of the fight but I do continue to fight.

That if you have a smirk or even a snarky smile on your lips, than this was well worth me putting off my bedtime by a few minutes. That someday, we will all gather at the same table, as one.

Until then, I would like a table for one, please!!

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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