Saturday, May 14, 2016

It happens...

True Statement.

We have those people in our lives that make life easy, fun and comfortable. What about the ones that have the biggest hearts, a bit of drama, and need us more than we need them?

What is worth forgiving to you? How many times do we forgive? We are leaving ourselves open at a chance of being hurt. Who is worth the risk to you?

It takes a special person to stay, take responsibility for their actions, ask for forgiveness, and show true remorse. To admit they aren't perfect but want to stay with you. We need to be sure we are listening with an open heart.

The thing is people make mistakes. People do not always admit what led them to their mistake. So, when they do, we need to decide if we want them to continue to be in our lives.

We need to realize that if we don't, we are saying more about who we are than they are. At least they were willing to expose their true emotions to you. Trust you completely to do so.  The least we could do is return the favor, be honest with them and completely.

I think we need to be reminded of that. It is not easy to admit the real meaning behind our actions. Each person in our lives bring something to us. Sometimes it is something that we didn't know we needed until they came into our lives.

The only ones I am willing to cut out of my life, are the ones that have proven malice towards me. Who use me with no remorse. Continually take without giving in return. Who are simply not worth knowing me. It took me a long time to learn the difference. 

Life is messy, complicated, fun, exciting and so much more. It would be a waste if we didn't experience it all.

"In order to be forgiven, we must be willing to forgive"

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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