Saturday, May 21, 2016

And NO I am not replaceable!!

Yep, this describes me to a T.

What, are you the same way? Do you know someone just like me? Good. I am sincerely happy for you. But you know what? That person is not me.

I am who I am. I make no apologies for it. I may be just like you or someone you know. I am sure there are many people who have the same characteristics as I do. Can do what I can. That does not make them me.

You may think you can simply replace me. You will learn that you may find someone with the same characteristics as me, but something will be off.

Nobody can wear their heart like I can.
Nobody will burn as brightly.
Nobody will speak as passionately.

Simply put, not one person can be ME.

I will continue to be me. Act like me. I am not every one's cup of tea and I do not need to be.

Now re-read this but this time, You are the author.

Don't get caught up in someone not wanting you for who you are.

Everyone is not meant to stay in your life.

Those that think that they can replace you, obviously do not appreciate your uniqueness. That is on them, not you.

Why would you want someone who can't embrace everything about you anyways?

Surround yourself with people who will value what you have to say, embrace your passions and support your heart.

You are not replaceable, neither am I, and that is a wonderful thing!!!

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