Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Simple Life....

Can you apply these to your life?

1) Letting it go-All of it. Easy to say and harder to do. Okay then, let's hold onto all the pain, mistakes, broken hearts and regrets. What could possibly happen? You got this right? Ummm...when someone hurts you, than all of the past hurts come rushing forward and you can't stop but to over react. It could be something simple. It doesn't even matter how this person wronged you. You have so much built up inside each time you get mad, you are unable to separate the pain and anger of the past from the present. Also, you end up becoming a bitter person.

2) Seriously? Yes, seriously. What I think or any other person thinks, of you, does not matter to you. You need to love yourself enough to know that you matter.  Ultimately, it is what you think of yourself that will determine your self-confidence and ability. It is ok to seek encouragement, advice, and mentoring from others. Does that mean that they have to like you in order to do so? No. Think of a boss. They do not have to like you but they can be willing to see you succeed for the simple reason it makes them look good. Take the personal feelings out of it. The people in your circle love you for who you are not what they think of you. Think about that for a moment. If you were to ask them what they like about you, it is not what they think about you that they like and that doesn't matter.

3) Time does heal. Going through any pain, hurt, or tragedy needs time. We all should take time to be able to process the ordeal.  It is hard to see clearly when we are going through something. Hurts or even a joyous time can cause us to put on those rose colored glasses. Take the time needed to step back, heal if you have to or enjoy the moment for what it is. Time will give you the clarity you will need. See things you couldn't see in the moment. The loss of someone will always be felt. The intensity will fade, but never go away completely and that is okay.

4) We tend to always think the grass is greener on the other side. We think because we can do something, everyone should and the same way, with getting the same result. Sometimes we think that someone has it easier or thing looks better over there. Nope. We are in fact individuals. Even twins are not the same. Do not fall into judging others. Not much is what it appears to be. We each have our own path to travel, it is not our place to be the judge of others.  There is much that we do not know.

5) Over thinking is a waste of time.  I will not lie to you. This one is extremely hard for me not to do. I am getting better at it but I am not perfect. I tend to do this and in my mind, it is a perfect world. I can have my cake and eat it too. So when life doesn't work out the way I want it to, I think again, again and again. Til the moment comes and I am like, why on earth am I wasting my time? If I could use all the time I have spent over thinking, I would have the cure for cancer by now. So the next time you find yourself over thinking it, Stop, and say what will this accomplish for me?

6) Happiness. It is easy to make yourself happy. Do not place expectations on others to do something that you need to do for yourself. Like Oreo's? Eat them. Like the ocean, then go. Like giving, then give. Like someone, tell them. Don't really like to do something, but you know it makes the other person happy, do it. Making other people happy will make you happy. Point is, do what makes you happy. You are in control of your happiness. You. 

7) Smiling is turning your frown upside down!! Corny I know, but it is true. As a person who cannot seem to control her facial expressions, at least when I smile, nobody has a clue what is going on in my mind. So try it. Next time your mind is traveling else where, when your mad, or just in a mood and you don't want people knowing, put a smile on. People tend to leave you alone when your smiling and before you know it, you will forget why you had to put on a fake smile in the first place. Try it. You can not possibly be smiling and truly mad at the same time. Go ahead, I dare you.

Bottom line here, we tend to complicate life more than what it really is. 

Say what you mean. Do what you say. Feel what you feel. Love how you love. Think what you think.

Be real. Be genuine. Be happy. Make your life simple.  You will be surprised at how easy it is.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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