Monday, May 23, 2016

Looking Through the Glass.....

Have you ever had one of those moments when you can see everything happening around you but your not really experiencing it?

You react to everything and feel nothing.

You are just going through the motions. Each moment. Each day. Each year. Meaningless motions.

You can't remember when you stopped living, you just know that you have. When did you become numb? One too many broken moments of time?

We are capable of handling a lot before we break. Sometimes we experience so much, over and over again, we become numb to it all. We don't even realize that we have become broken. There is just a little less joy in what we do each day. We get to the point where we can't even recognize the difference anymore. We hold the pain in, become accustomed to it, than we just exist.

Maybe you have had a series of bad relationships. Continually having your heart broken can certainly leave you feeling numb. A repeated broken heart can leave us feeling so broken and unlovable. It is easier to just become numb to the pain than to continually feel it.

Disappointment after disappointment can leave you feel resigned to giving it your all anymore. Always trying and giving more than 100% can be exhausting. Not achieving the desired results can be a major blow to one's pride. Why put forth the effort when the results are not what we wanted? Before we know it, we are just going through the motions.

How do we get out of this? How does it end?

I believe there are reasons why we go through these phases. We can be so numb that we can't see the pain we are in. We can't understand what we have become in our waking motions.

We may have a good laugh, and then realize, I haven't laughed liked that in a long time! You just feel off and are tired of it. You want more. You know there is more to life than what your in. We may have a person that tells us that we are not being "us".

We may hear something from a stranger that just opens our eyes in that moment. We could witness something that just clicks in us. We have to be open to all possibilities but we can't go looking for it. We don't even know what we are looking for. Five people can tell us the same thing and then the sixth person does and we finally have that epiphany moment.

If this is resonating with you or someone you know, than know that you are on your way. You are not alone. If you know someone is off, be the friend that you need to be and extend that hand. Just cause we don't talk about it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Realize that you may be the seed someone needs.

For whatever reason, this phase of your life, is meant to be. When you have your epiphany moment, you will see clearly. It will all make sense. You will know the reasons you became you and did what you did.

This is another life lesson. We need to learn and people learn in different ways. What happens to you, will teach you what you needed to learn.

Life can be difficult. Life can be joyous. There are times that you are down. There are times that you are up. If we do not learn how to balance it all, it will overtake us.

There is a fine line between love and hate. Be sure to always love yourself, even when you feel that no one else does. We often can not see what we are worth. Believe me, You are worthy.

Do not spend your life "Looking Through the Glass."

It is time to break the glass and start living life again.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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