Thursday, April 28, 2016

What's Your Fairy-Tale Like?

I apologize for the F-word but I really liked this saying.  It spoke to me. If I was more computer savvy, I would have crossed out that word and put  "Wicked" in its place.

I, like some of you, didn't grow up dreaming of the perfect wedding, the gorgeously perfect groom/bride, and the happily ever after of a fairy-tale life story. I don't remember an exact moment that caused me to be skeptical or had a bad example of a marriage but I knew early on that life doesn't always provide a fairy-tale for hardly anyone.  Maybe it was one to many Stephen King books!!

The problem with fairy-tales is, they make you believe that love, marriage and the happily ever after are going to be perfect. The perfect wedding day, the perfect spouse, the yard with the picket fence that bring kids, pets and the perfect home.

That sometimes we don't marry the right one and it ends. We can get so busy with life, or our own issues, that we forget the vows we made to one another. Amazing how you can promise to love someone so deeply and end up forgetting the love you promised was meant to last forever.

If I ever were to write book on the perfect fairy-tale life it would read something like this:

 "What An Awesome Wicked Disaster We Are!"

My Single Days
Chp. 1
"I screwed up again, damn it! How am I ever going to get this right? Maybe if I had four arms, four legs and the foresight to see what's coming down the road, I could balance everything at once. I know I am a good person. I can multi-task. No, I didn't mean to take it out on you, I was just stressed out. Yes, that hurt, how can I trust you now? I need more time. I wanted to communicate better. I don't understand that."
We Met
Chp 2.

"I love how we can see the screw ups for what they are and let them go. In time we will get it right. We have each other and that means we each have four arms, four legs and the "foursight" to see what's coming down the road but when we can't, we will manage. We are a wicked team together, we will juggle all. We are here for us, however we need. We are not perfect, we will hurt us at times, that is what forgiveness is for. We need time for each other. We will make it a priority to always communicate. We will keep an open mind, we will do our best to understand."

Our Disastrous Happily Ever After
Chp 3.

"Years of this same behavior continued on, for many, many years. We became who we were always meant to be. Our grandchildren wondered how we stayed married to the same person for so many years. They wanted to know what was our secret . Our answer was simple:

"We saw how awesomely wickedly disastrous we could be together!"

I ask you, what's your fairy-tale like?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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