Friday, July 1, 2016

I just wanted a cup of coffee!!


I like coffee. One of my son's works at Mcdonald's as a  kitchen manager. He told me a few weeks ago that any size coffee is $1.00.  I'm like YAY!!! 

Yeah that didn't last long. Each and every time I go through the drive thru to get a coffee, they screw up my order. I am only ordering a cup of coffee people!!!! It should not be that hard. 

One large iced-coffee, light cream and no sugar. Very simple or so I thought. The first time, they asked me what flavor would I like? Umm...none. So you want a large black iced coffee cream and sugar? No. I want a large iced coffee, light cream and no sugar. Your total is $1.07 drive up. I pay and go to the next window. Yeah, they try to hand me a coffee with extra cream. My son wasn't working.

I was running late leaving for work and didn't make myself a cup of coffee. I try the drive thu again. This time I was told that their coffee comes pre-mixed. I'm like, umm no it doesn't. Another lady comes on the speaker and says drive up ma'am. After an explanation of what I want, I go to the next window. Ugh..I tell her no, I wanted light cream not extra cream. She takes the cover of the cup, dumps some out and adds more coffee. I'm like umm really? My son was not working. 

I was driving home from work, tired, I think I'll just grab a coffee. I know, glutton for punishment. I will make this one easy. One large black iced coffee please, no cream, no sugar. Drive up. I am actually excited that it is going to so well!!! I pay and go to the next window. Ugh....she tries to hand me an iced coffee that looks like milk with a splash of coffee. I said slowly and clearly, "I didn't order that. I ordered one large, black, iced coffee." My son was not working.

I realize I live in a southern state. I realize I am trying to get coffee at a fast food place. I realize I am not ordering this coffee when in fact my son is working. I realize that I give way too many chances before I am done with something. I realize that I can only get the coffee I like when my son is working.  I own it.

What I now realize is that, people do not listen when they are not interested in what you have to say. You may be too oblivious to notice the signs. They don't remember past moments, they don't remember what they say to you, and they do not want to even pretend to be sorry for not paying attention to you in the first place.

Think about this for a minute. I'm sure you can now see or maybe you have seen and just gave an excuse for their behavior. 

I think maybe your giving way too many chances and it's time to stop. They are not worth your time and certainly not worth a dime. Ask yourself why you are accepting this behavior? What are you getting out of it? Stop it. That simple. Yes it really is. 

I will now have to drive out of my way to get a large light cream iced coffee with no sugar that will cost me more than a buck, but that's okay. 

I am worth more than a dollar anyways!!

And so are you!!!! 

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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