Sunday, July 24, 2016


Goal-The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; sum; end.

I believe it is important to continually set goals for ourselves throughout life.  Personally and professionally.  

We can become complacent or bored with our careers or personal life if we do not challenge ourselves occasionally.  Do you have what it takes to set a goal and see it through? Do you get distracted with life? Do you give up when it gets to hard to achieve it?

Personally and professionally, we need to set goals so we can grow. We should get excited about learning or doing something new. The goal is the reward for time, energy and the lesson learned, while we are working towards the goal itself. 

So why do we give up on the journey? Life gets complicated, busy, and random things happen. We need to be reasonable and realistic when setting any goal. 

Life does not care what we have planned. It is going to happen regardless.  Sometimes it seems that we never obtain the goal and just give up. I think when that thought happens, we need to stop, evaluate what is going on in our lives for the moment, and decide if we need to extend the timeline of our goal. 

Example: I started a goal some time ago. I knew life would happen. I got injured. I got sick. I have a demanding job. I have a family to take care of. So there are times when I don't work towards my goal. That's the reality of my life. So, I extended my goal to what was reasonable for me. I stop from time to time but always start again. I have a date in mind to achieve my goal. I will get there because it is important to me. I let life happen as it will, but I do not allow it to alter me getting to my goal. 

There is nothing that can not be adjusted in this world if you are setting realistic goals for yourself. Time, patience, dedication and perseverance will get you to your goal. Do not let life change your journey towards your goal. It has to scare you a little bit. Other than trying something new, the scariest thing I can think of, is never achieving your goal in the first place.

You may just be surprised with what you discover about yourself and learn on the journey.

Then again, isn't that the purpose of the goal anyways? 

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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