Friday, July 22, 2016

One Hour....

A friend posted this on my fb wall. I had to really think about this before I answered.

Some friends that I haven't spoken with in person for years came to mind. I also thought, as nice as that would be, I can do that now.

I took my time and thought it would have to be a meaningful chat. A once in a lifetime chat.

I chose God. I would really appreciate a person to person chat with Him. Not to question but to get a deeper understanding of my life here on earth. Also a check in would be good. Jackie, your on the right path kinda thing, Or Jackie, you have taken a wicked wrong turn here n there!

Seeing how this was probably meant to be a person with a human body. I would choose Bono from U2. I think he is well traveled, a great musician, and holds a deep perspective towards life. It would be a memorable chat!!

I am asking you. Who do you choose and why?

And if you think of someone that you could sit with for an hour to chat with that you haven't had the time for, why are you not doing that now?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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