Sunday, July 3, 2016

Acceptance or Change which will it be??

This really says it all does it not? We are the result of our choices or lack of choices we make.

We can't blame anyone else. It is our decision to accept what life brings us or change it.

Choosing to do and be right with yourself is always the right choice to make. Accepting the situation for what it is can be a difficult. Not everything can be changed.

I do believe there is no difference in between acceptance and change. A wise person knows what can be changed and what needs to be accepted. They are taking responsibility either way. A choice needs to be made in order to continue on with life.

Accepting that things cannot change, can be challenging. It is tremendously hard to do nothing. It is so much easier to think our way of doing things will provide the best outcome. If that were the case, you would be God. We have to be willing to let go of what we know. Accept that it is meant to be just the way it is. By choosing to do something other than, accepting what it is, will make it something else.

You can believe with every ounce of your being that something is meant to be a certain way but as soon as you try to force it, it becomes something else. Accept what it is, for what it is.

You can change something into something else and it will not survive the change because you changed it.  If you are meant to change it, it will change into something so filled with life, it becomes better than it was before.

Knowing what to do in either case, is called living.

May you live a life well lived.

A life filled with acceptance and change.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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