Friday, July 29, 2016

How many frogs will you kiss?

Continuation from the 2 week conversation.....From Self-gratification to true love and soul mates...

We went on to discuss love and what it means to each of us. The question was asked, Do you believe in true love, soul mates, and a love destined to be? How many frogs do we have to kiss before finding our princes and princess'?

I personally believe in Soul Mates. I also believe that we can have a Soul Mate in a friend and in a true love partner for life.  Both, if we are lucky enough to find them.

Most of us said yes to believing in a soul mate. A few of us said that we were not with our soul mates but loved the people we are with. One said that their best friend was their soul mate. One said they had found their soulmate but it didn't work out due to personal issues the soulmate had.

Can one person believe that they have truly found their soul mate and not the other? What if the two are connected, are together but one developes alcoholism, drug addiction or some other addiction that stops them from being free to love another more than what they are addicted too?

The next question was, what if you are already married or in a committed relationship and then meet your soulmate? Do you walk away from who you do love to be with your soul mate? Tough one to answer. Some said yes definitely. Some said no. Which led to the next question.

How do you know you're falling in love with your soulmate vs falling in love? Is there really a difference? How do you describe true love? Once you get past the lust stage, the I need to be with you every moment of the day phase, what is it that made you fall in love with this person in the first place?

The room got very quiet. We all thought about it for a moment. I don't believe that we came up with an answer that was acceptable for everyone. Love is different for each of us. Should it be though? Love is Love, right? So what makes it different for each of us? I believe it is the connection.

I think we will not accomplish all that we are meant to in this world until we are paired with our soulmate. I believe we were all created with meaning and are connected.The proof is out there. Doppelgangers, deja vu, and that instantaneous connection that you feel when you meet someone for the first time, but swear you know them. Sometimes you get a sense of something's off, or get an overwhelming feeling for no reason, or think of someone for no reason only to find out, that they were thinking of you or going through something.

I also believe that we will meet our soulmate but it is up to us to be open to it and not allow fear or any other obstacle to stop us from being together. Keep in mind, no fairytale is ever told perfectly. How often do you hear the story: we met, fell in love and lived happily ever after. I wonder why that is???

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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