Monday, July 18, 2016

A total waste of time.......

Have you ever heard a rumor about you that wasn't true? Have you ever been in a situation that appears to be something other than what it really is?  Do you waste your time explaining it to the wrong people?

I will make this clear for you. Someone who is not willing to believe what you have to say, has already passed judgment upon you. In their eyes, you have no other meaning to them. You are wasting your time with them.

It doesn't matter what you did or how you feel about something. It really doesn't matter to them. It really doesn't. They do not care.

Someone who cares about you will understand. They care about what is going on in your life. They understand that you may act one way and then do an about face and act a another way. They will believe you when you choose to explain.

Pay attention to whom you share your life with. Some people remember the details and others only remember the details of your life that only involve them.

Unfortunately, there are people in this world who only pretend to care about you for their benefit.

Choose who you share your life with wisely. Pay attention to how they talk about others. How they treat others.  How much they remember what is important to you.

Do not waste your time explaining yourself to someone who has already made their mind up about you.

There will always be rumors.

Those that care about you, will not give the rumor a second thought and will laugh about it with you.

Those that don't care are not worth your time or energy.

They can't hear what your saying anyways.

Until next time,

~It is what it is~

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