Wednesday, July 6, 2016



In today's world, I believe, I love you, is said with an ease and not with the understanding of the true depth that the words come with. A love that is meant for lovers.


Do we mean it when we say it in the moment? Are we just saying it in the moment because we are caught up in the feeling of the moment? When the moment passes, does the love also pass?


Means you love this person. Does it mean forever? Deeply? Lightly? Whole heartedly? Is it just for a time? 
What does I love you, mean to you? Think about to who and how often you say it.


How do we know when it is real? When it is meant to be forever? It is so different for each of us. What we see with others, does not mean that's how it's going to be for all. It's how it is meant to be for them.


What if it's when we look into someone's eyes and we see all that we could possibly be and more? When we are with them, we don't just feel, we are. What if it's not a feeling but a knowing that brings out the act of love? An act that we know we can no longer do without but it is not possessive. It is freeing. It is honest. It is raw. There is no fear. There is an acceptance. A kindness. A beauty. A Tenderness. There is comfort. There is a bond. It makes you believe there is more in you and in them that has yet to be discovered. There is growth. There is courage.  It is an extension of each of you.


I believe Love is an act. An act that brings out everything we have in us to the surface. There is no controlling it.


Choose whom you say it to wisely. Mean it when you say it, each and every time. There are no take backs once it's said. An action has a reaction, always.


Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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