Monday, July 11, 2016

Forever Lost

As children, some of us, had an imaginary friend. Perfectly normal. Someone we could trust and be free with. A sign of a healthy imagination for most. For some us, it was an escape. Being able to allow us to be truly free.

Life can have harsh realities, even at an early age. These harsh realities will manifest into who we are and who we become. Most of us will recover and move past them. Allowing us to move from the past and into what the future holds for us. For some, it will not be so easy.

We wear many masks daily. The pain of the harshness never truly leaves us. It just merges with our future. We can be taught not to trust, not to love, to grow up way before we actually should, and never to be accepted for who we are. Also they may not have the support system they need.

Adults are looked as to be responsible mature adults. It is believed that as an adult we should know the answers to all. To be able to obtain the answers when we don't. The thing is some of the strongest adults I know actually have the best masks. You only see the strength they have. You don't see their pain. You don't see their brokenness. You don't see their tears. You don't see their loneliness. You see what they want you to see.

The strongest of adults don't know how to be any other way.

I wonder if they have an imaginary friend with whom they can be free with? A place where they can just be. A place they can be accepted and loved for not being strong. A place where they feel like a lost boy who has been found.

Makes me wonder if that is how they keep going.

We never truly know what one has to endure in this life. Not everyone shares every detail of their lives. The strong wear their masks well.

You may think they are living in a false reality of this world.

I think they are actually living in reality with a child like mindset of how to deal with the harshness of this world.

They can set it aside with a healthy imagination.

How about you?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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