Monday, July 25, 2016

You have to know.......

We all start off life believing that the world revolves around us, individually. We believe that we are loved unconditionally just for being us. We are worthy of everything. We have a well of love to give.

Regardless of the circumstances we are brought up in, they do in fact mold our image of how we think of ourselves. Some point in our lives, we doubt ourselves. Our ability to love ourselves, to doing things, our looks, our intelligence, strength, and yes, our worth. Rejection from a loved one, friends, career and other things that happen to us over time can slowly teach us that, what we believed to be true, isn't always truth. 

We all have a story to share. Some more tragic than others, but none, the less worthy.  We make mistakes. We can't get past being a victim. We get involved with the wrong person who tears us down instead of building us up. We allow the self doubt to take over how we view ourselves. So much so, that when a good thing comes along, we doubt that we are good enough to have it, let alone keep it, so we push it away.

Subconsciously, I think, we sabotage it. You know exactly what I am talking about here. Sometimes you act out of character or screw something important up, but didn't want too and couldn't stop it from happening. The longer you believe that you are not worth anything, the longer you will be blind to the good happening in your life. Yes, blind. Filled with so much doubt, that you can't even see yourself being surrounded by good. You push people to the point of leaving. You back off from a promising career. You mismanage money so your always broke. You make people miserable around you just to even the playing field.  It is all connected to how worthy you believe you are. 

I am calling  you out. Yes I am. I get it. Everyone has a story and some leave nasty scars behind. I also know that there is a very small part of you that is terrified to believe in yourself. To believe that you are worthy of it all. That you are deserving. That you truly do deserve it all.

It is so scary for some of us to actually believe that we are worthy of the love we give out. That we do not know how to love ourselves. We have an undeniable birthright to love ourselves unconditionally, even when we fail at something. When a loved one fails us. When we get rejection after rejection. When we have a life filled with Monday's. 

We have the right to love ourselves. 

We are worthy of self love.  

Master the art of believing in yourself. Believing that you are worthy. Believing that you are better than good enough. Believing that you are capable of everything. 

But most of all,

Believing that YOU are worthy of being loved by YOU!!!

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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