Saturday, July 16, 2016

Oreo.....your killing me!!!

The Oreo cookie strikes again.

I have been working a lot these past few weeks. I'm tired most days. After an extremely difficult day at work. It was one of those where everything goes wrong work a ridiculous amount of hours kinda day.

Anyways, I needed to pick up a few things before going home. I come across this new version of the Oreo and I'm like, NO, enough already!! I'm not having it. This is insane now.

Then it hits me. I don't just dislike the Oreo and what it represents  (see previous blog: look to the cookie) I do not want to choose from original, a limited edition, or a brand new flavor. I want the Original.

Why do we think that we have to improve upon the original version of something? Change it so much so, that it's a vague resemblance of the original. I get that variety is good. Is it better than the original when it no longer contains everything the original has?

Think about this for a moment. People will pay an enormous amount of money to obtain an original of something. What does that say to you?

I get wanting to improve. I'm always pushing myself to do better or be better. The difference is, me. I'm an original. I may make myself stronger, smarter, try new things or go to new places, but I am still me, an original. I do not change who I am like the Oreo does. Like society wants us to.

So, do what you want Oreo Cookie. Change flavors, be mini sized, double stuffed and however else you feel the need to change from the original version of you.

For me, I will keep on being the best most original version of me, without changing who I am.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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