Friday, July 1, 2016

Just be weird and let it be.....

I love when things just happen. I wasn't scheduled to work today but I was called in. It was only going to be for few hours. I thought, I will just go in, do what I have to and be done. 

Today had other plans for me. I really do dislike small talk with someone I know. If I know you, then we should be able to talk about anything and everything. Weird, strange, meaningful and the frivolous. They all mean something to me. 

The ones that I love the most are the unplanned ones. You can't plan the topic, the depth, or the weirdness of them. Sometimes I run into to someone and I get great advice or give them the same. Sometimes it's just to listen, laugh or catch up. 

Today's chat was completely unexpected, honest, not your normal topic and thought provoking.  It was a deep personal chat with an unexpected person and light at the same time. Unexpected due to the place setting and the nature of the chat. Their honesty brought out my own. It was just one of those raw honest chats that you just can't plan. It makes you think and gives you another perspective.

Which leads me to this post. How often do we just let the moment be? Things do happen for a reason. I could have not gone into work today. I could have chosen not to ask certain questions. They could of done the same and the conversation would have changed. 

How often do we appreciate the weird unexpected moments that life has to offer? Do we really see the moment when we are in it? Do we see it and allow it to be? 

Do we walk away from it because it is unexpected?

I know, way too many what if's.

I think we just need to let it be. Let life play out as it should. Be weird. Be random. Be vulnerable.

Just be.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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