Friday, July 15, 2016

Simple and Complex.....

Simple but understanding of the complexity of life.

I think life is viewed in black and white. The interpretation of life should always be done in grey. Love is passion. Life should be lived with passion and in that passion brings out the color of life.

When is anything in this life exactly what it appears to be? How often do we question what we are actually looking at?

I'm as real as I can be, probably 95% of the time. Why? Because sometimes I don't want to expose my true thoughts, I might not trust what's going on, or I might be waiting for the next move to play out before I make mine. I admit this to show you that we all have an interpretation of life. We have all learned that in this life, we need to look deeper and think differently in all of life's occurrences. Very rarely life just happens as we see it. People have motives, are coming from a perspective that we cannot always see, and life has taught us, that because we each have the freedom to think for ourselves, those thoughts will be different for each of us.

When you see a glass of water and it is filled to the middle of the glass, is it half empty or half full? The glass of water is black and white. Whether you view it as being half empty or half filled is the grey of life. The result ends up being colorfully expressed by the passion of your decision to which it is in fact half empty or half filled.

This is life. A simple way to be in the complex world we live in.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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