Monday, August 1, 2016

She is a WARRIOR.....


She is strong. She is reliable. She is capable. She is resilient. She is kind. She is compassionate. She is a Warrior. This is Her story.

She looks in the mirror as she gets ready to start her day. She doesn't see what you or I see. She sees weakness. She sees pain. She sees ugliness. She sees the scars that have been left behind. She thinks to herself, there is no beauty in scars or pain, just ugliness.  The words that truly describe her, haunt her. This is how she starts each and every day.

She thinks back, because it is always there, and remembers how she became this way. She was a little girl. This man had picked her for a special task. That was the day she became ugly. That was the day she learned just how cruel the world could really be. That was the day she learned that any previous nightmare she had dreamt before, was nothing compared to what was happening to her when she was wide awake.

As time went on she tried to use her voice but no one could hear what she was trying to say. That's when the world grew cold for her.

Her mind buried the traumatic repeated offenses and the nightmare eventually stopped.

As she grew into adulthood, she never felt normal. She saw things differently. She felt things differently. She held in her ugliness and pain. She wore a mask of strength.

She believed herself to be a victim. She lived her life as one.

One day she looked in the mirror and accepted that she was in fact a victim, when she was a child. She is an adult now. She asked herself why was she allowing this horrific event in her past to continue to make her live as a victim? She realized, in that moment, that she was no longer a victim.

She decided that no matter how much pain, how much fear and ugliness there was in her life, she would never allow it to take who she is away from her ever again.  She truly let it all go. Words would never hurt her again.

She is different. She will never be normal nor does she care to be. In that quiet moment alone, she looked in the mirror but this time she saw who she truly is, now and then.

She is a WARRIOR.

That is what makes her beautiful, scars and all.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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