Sunday, October 30, 2016

I am still HUNGRY!!!!!

This made me laugh!! It is soo true!!

I have three sons, one adult and two teens and yes they can put away some food!!

I have no idea how they can eat so much in one sitting and 30 minutes later want to eat again. Do not even get me started on how much they can eat during a growth spurt!! Insane amounts of food.

Anyways, I was scrolling along and this popped up in my news feed. It made me think of my boys when they were younger and where they are now. Besides the fact that time flies by way too fast, a lot has changed since the day I brought them each home up to now.

We think the hardest part of raising kids is when they are babies and toddlers. We have the job of teaching them everything while keeping them safe at the same time. They are so curious about life and everything around them. Most days it is a joy to have them around. The times that I am like, "Not one more question please or I said so" are the times that I am forgetting that they are just being who they are.

Kids are a joy. They can be demanding of our time and energy. They will annoy us at times. They will also bring us a joy that is indescribable.

Then they become Teenagers.  Attitudes and I know everything becomes their motto. They no longer have simple questions about why the sky is blue and what are clouds made of. No. Now they want they car keys and why can't they go out until 1 am? Why can't I just let them be?

Heartaches, like no other, come from your child during their quest for adulthood. You will survive them. Although, I don't know how, but we do.

There is nothing that can explain the horrific thoughts that go through your mind when your child wants to learn how to drive. When they can do for themselves and no longer need your help as much in life. When you have to let go and you do.

Proud seems to small of a word when you see your child become an adult. When they are able to handle life on their own. When they come to you for advice. When you see that they did in fact listen all those times when you didn't think they were. When you see them being kind, loving, mature adults.

For all the heartaches I have endured, I have had my heart swell with pride and love that makes every heartache forgettable.

Enjoy them when you have them, even when your tired.

Feed them when they ask. 

Fill their minds as much as you would fill their bellies because even when you believe they do not hear you, they are in fact listening.

They do not want to admit that they still think you hung the moon in the sky, it's just not cool to admit that now. 

Regardless of what they tell you, when they are on their quest to adulthood, they still need you......

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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