Monday, October 17, 2016

!@#$ I am wicked mad!!!!!!! I mean hurt.......

Fact: an angry woman is a dangerous one. Chances are she is hurt. Feelings are a volatile thing, especially for women. I can't say that because I a man.

Fact: an angry man is a dangerous one. Chances are he is hurt. Feelings are a volatile thing, especially for men.  I can't say that because I am a woman.

So where does that leaves us? It leads to all of the miscommunication and arguments that occur between men and women. If the wrong thing is said, it will just hurt us and fuel the anger even more.

This has been a debate forever and no real solution is to be found. There is a good reason. Each woman and man, although basically the same, are different. What sets off one, will roll off another's back. One loves to talk and the other would rather not.
There is no gender specific roll for the following statements:

One might have many situations going on and your the unlucky one gets the wrath of it all.
One is so untrusting that they always expect the worst, so when it happens they say nothing.
One may be so stressed out that they lash out to everything.
One might love to talk and express their feelings about everything and do so freely.
One is a giver.
One is a taker.
One is in touch with their feelings.
One is not.
It hurt me when you did that.

I think it is based on personality rather than gender. Women have characteristics that men do not and visa versa. We all know strong women who can rock it better than some men. We all know strong men that can rock it better then some women.  The same can be said about sensitivity and many other traits.

Words and actions can and will hurt feelings. Our reactions should be based on personality rather than gender.

Regardless of your beliefs think about this for a moment:

Woman was formed from a rib that was man. We are one. It is up to us to find each other. We are meant to balance each other out. Created for one another.

Evolution formed man and woman. Formed them as a pair to be matched for each other.  We are meant to balance each other out. Created for one another.

So the next time you can't understand why your partner is pissed off, do not assume he is just being a guy and she is just being a girl.

Chances are their feelings are hurt and badly. Most of the time anger is a gut reaction because they do not know how to get past the anger or the anger has to play out.

We both can be idiots and not want to make the first move. Sometimes we need to swallow our pride and just do it. If the person has any value to you, it is worth the vulnerability.

Do not let someone walk away because you are too proud to admit it hurts you too.

Please do not EVER say, "Why can't you just communicate with me!" Unless of course you want them to shut up forever.

Please do not EVER say, "Why are you being so emotional about this?" Unless of course you want to start World War III. All I can say to you is, Good Luck and you will be missed!!

Recognize what is going on with your partner/person whom you are arguing with first. It is difficult to determine if a person is truly hurt or truly angry.  It will determine the outcome.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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