Monday, October 3, 2016

It's a Soul Feel thing.....

"Everyone wants pleasure without pain.
Life doesn't work that way.
We live in a dualistic world."

Perfect times can be the worst times that we need. The perfect storm challenges, changes, and strengthens us. In perfect times we will learn the wisdom we need to bring out the peace within ourselves.

People are put in our paths to help us along this journey called life. Our Soul Family if you will.

Some connections cannot be easily explained away.

Have you been told about something by just about everyone who knows you but it doesn't make any sense to you? You can be in the middle of a chaotic storm and this one person says what everyone else has been telling you and it just clicks with you in that moment with that person. That is your Soul Family.

Have you ever just met someone and instantaneously had this unexplainable connection with? Your able to share everything with, dark secrets, imperfections, silliness, and all. That is your Soul Family.

Have you ever had a friend that was like a brother/sister more than an actual brother/sister that you already have? That is your Soul Family.

We can also give off an energy of need that will attract a helpful energy.  Have you ever met someone when you were in need? They just show up, help you and move on.  That is your Soul Family.

We all give off an energy that attracts like energies. We are all connected in some variation. We may meet people that stay with us for a short time or with us permanently.

People are drawn to us for absolutely no rational reasoning. We can learn more about ourselves if we accept these moments as they are. Allowing us to accept these moments can be scary.

Do not allow your fears to miss the opportunity for connecting with your Soul Family.

During our perfect storm and chaotic moments is when we do not necessarily ask for help. Do not allow your fears stop you from growing.

We all must endure moments of pain to be able to enjoy the pleasure of life.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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