Thursday, October 13, 2016

Right-side up or Upside down??????????

I have been coming across this word A LOT lately. I gather it is something I am not seeing, that I need too. You guys know that I believe there are reasons for everything. Nothing just happens. Things keep popping up into life that we need to deal with.

Anyways, it got me thinking, a lot. I have these conversations with friends that are off the chain. They just happen. They are topics that range from A to Z and 1-100000000000. Everything under the sun and then some. I love each and everyone of them.

I love them because they each have a different perspective that they bring to me. I am able to see things from their perspective and get where they are coming from. Sometimes it makes me see things differently and sometimes it just confirms what I believe that much more. It truly is all good.

Except, this word keeps popping up in my life. Work situations, home situations, shopping, and seriously everywhere I go it seems. Then I see this word again, upside down and then it hits me.

My perspective of me is upside down. I am my own worse critic. I am judged by myself and very harshly I will add, especially when I judge no one. When it comes to me, I have a horrible perspective. I challenge myself to do more. Accept life's challenges as they are. Fight when I have to. Back down when I don't want to. Sometimes I think I could do more. Tried harder. 

The funny things is, if someone came to me asking my perspective on things they have done, that are exactly what I have been doing, I would be a lot more compassionate towards them. I would be their cheerleader and try my best to inspire them to be the best that they can be/or gave everything they could and they would believe it. 

I also realized that we all can be like this toward ourselves. We all want to be the best that we can be at whatever we do. Whoever we are with. We all have an image of our self. How we want to be. How good we are in all that we do. I think we strive for this in various degrees throughout our lives.

So what happens when we accomplish what we set out to do? Do we see that we are still pushing ourselves so hard to get where we are, we can't see we got there?  That we are holding on and killing it at the same time. That it is everything that we strived for and it is time to enjoy it a bit.

It is good to strive for something. Regardless if it is a personal or professional goal, we need to remember to have the perspective we use as wisdom for others, as wisdom for ourselves.

Keeping our perspective towards ourselves, right-side up, is the best perspective one can have.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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