Monday, October 24, 2016


Rejection and a broken heart can lead us down a dark path of broken dreams and to the acceptance of a lesser love or none at all.

As children we have no say in the love we see. We are subject to the love that is around us. It does form us. For some, it can be a bittersweet moment and others a glorious look into what lies ahead for us.

Not everyone has the unconditional love from the ones that brought them into this world. Conditions placed by those that raise us, give us an unhealthy view of what love is.  Rejection from the one's that gave you birth can weigh heavily on the heart.  It forms you at a young age. Filling us with a desperate need that can never quite be filled. It leaves you doubting and unable to completely trust anyone. Numb would be a good description. We will willingly fill it with what makes us numb to the pain. As an adult, the rejection from those that raise you, leaves you in a confused state questioning everything and everyone around you.  It rocks you to your core when it happens. Your heart breaks into a million little pieces shattered and blown in the wind, lost. 

It does not have to happen all at once. Parents believe by staying together for the "kids" sake, is the way to go. What do the kids really see? Can one truly hide a heart that is filled with broken dreams?
Will the kids learn that there is no joy when it comes to love or see it as a sacrifice?

What about the kids that take care of their parents? Drug addiction, alcoholism, and depression affect many adults today. What are those children learning about love? That they need to be the hero? That love will handle it all?

Abuse. Verbal or physical abuse will give an unhealthy look at love. Being told you are not good enough, being second choice, compared to others, and never hearing the words I love you will teach a lesson in love that will stay with them for years. They will understand that love comes at a price. That price will cost dearly.

Adults unable to give their hearts so easily have been shown that theirs is not worth giving.

Love is obtainable. We just need to find the one that will show us that everything we ever learned about love, is nothing we ever thought it could possibly be.

"In the end, we just want someone that chooses us...over everyone else, under any and all circumstances."  

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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