Wednesday, October 5, 2016

It's just one day.....

We all have these terrible, blah, leave me alone, blues kinda day.

Everyone has life to deal with. Loss of a loved one. A relationship ended. Missing someone. Loss of a job. Financial difficulties. And so on. Blah Blah

Life is hard. Suck it up buttercup. We get overwhelmed from bad choices, bad luck, or situations that are out of our control. Fate. Destiny. Meant to be. Whatever the reason, it doesn't make it go away or any better.

We have to deal with it. We have our personalities and that will allow us to deal with it as our instincts dictate. We will act like nothing is wrong and go about our day. We will need to vent/rant it out and move on from it. We will need to wallow in it all day long.  We will go on, regardless of how we deal with it.

Point is, there will always be a bad day here and there. We will survive them all.

We do the best we can with what we know.

Be that sounding board for someone in need. Let them rant/vent and help them move on. Make them laugh when they look like they are about to cave from their worries.

For the ones who hold in all the troubles that the world brings them, let them know you are there for them and do care. It could just be that they are holding it all in, to be there for you.

It is just a Bad Day, not a Bad Life.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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