Thursday, October 20, 2016

Fate is waiting..........

We tend to think that once we have learned our lessons from our past mistakes, we are over it. Seldom is that the case.  Most of the time it is good. It allows us to be wiser with our future choices.

What happens when we are so anxious about repeating the same mistake again? We become less trusting in ourselves and with others. Second guessing what is in front of us with doubt causes us to not see clearly the truth of what is right in front of us. Leading us to lose those around us and miss out on wonderful opportunities that would create the future we want, instead of the one we have.

Fate, connections and what lies ahead of us can only be obtained if we trust first in ourselves, in those around us and then the future that comes from it. So much easier said than done.

We may not realize that we are doing anything to block us from getting what we want in the first place. Here is an example:

Jill was in a bad relationship and her heart was broken and much more. When she finally wised up, she left him and she thought she buried the past. She wasn't able to trust anyone and that was fine with her. She met Bill and he was sincere. Bill tried so many times to get her to believe in him and she couldn't. Bill poured his heart out to her and she simply allowed him to walk away because every time she tried to tell him the words he wanted to hear, she couldn't form them. Her heart couldn't let go of the past pain it endured. She told her mind that this was the only way to protect her heart from ever enduring that kind of pain again. But it didn't stop with her personal relationships. Her career could of been so much more. A more that she wanted. When you do not look with a healed heart into your future, you lead your future with an eschewed view. How can she obtain the career she wants if there is pain in her heart?

You see our minds might be willing to let go but it is in our hearts that can we hold on to the pain of the memory.

Betrayal, heart breaks, and all the other pains that our hearts suffer through cannot be erased simply by our minds. True forgiveness can only happen if we are willing to heal our hearts from the pain that broke it.

Wisdom comes from a heart that has been healed completely. You will know this has happened when you are able to completely let the memory of the pain go and live with wisdom instead of an anxiousness that will stop you from living your future as it was meant to be lived.

Do not think this is possible? Then that will tell you that you are not ready to let go or want to be healed.

Love n success can and will happen to you.  Let go of your anxiousness that your feel. Trust in yourself. Bad things happen to all of us with no rhyme or reason. Allow that connection that you cannot let go of to lead you to your healing. You do know what you have to do, your just afraid.

Stop running away. Fate is waiting for you to heal yourself so that you can finally have the life you deserve.

Your future is waiting.....What are you going to do about it?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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