Wednesday, October 12, 2016

He still has my heart and soul.......

I was in love with this actor and show!! I was 8 when is started. Sadly it only lasted for 4 years. Colonel Steve Austin (Lee Majors) and The Six Million Dollar Man had my heart and soul for one hour every week!! I had the bionic center, action figure, board game and many other accessories. And yes, I just admitted that!!

I was flipping through the channels tonight and this was on!  As I watched this show, btw I still think Lee Majors is very handsome and oh so charming, I realized how corny this show is now.  We are talking back in 1974 when it first appeared. The bionic stunts, sounds and action scenes of the show cannot compare to anything that is on TV now. The acting is solid albeit some of the lines are definitely corny. The clothing, well Steve Austin can wear a suit and well, but it was the 70's.  The cars, definitely wicked!!

Okay, so I am getting caught up with my memories and excitement from my childhood. That is the point for this post. As a child, I thought this show was totally cool!! Steve Austin was cool, the story lines were action packed and he always caught the bad guys.  What more could a little girl want? We tend to set the bar high when we are little. We see things as being perfect in every way. We haven't even begun to understand life at such a young age. We tend to believe what we see. Even if it is make believe.  Then we grow up and become adults.

We realize that the shows we once loved were actually a bit corny and so was the era we lived in.  Things change, as they should, and we grow up. We lose that childlike admiration and gain the reality of adulthood.  We now know what fantasy is, good acting, good affects, and our tastes change.

Unfortunately, we lose that childlike vision and become harsh adults compared to our younger selves. We have responsibilities and people who depend on us. We tend to think that what we once imagined what our adult life would be like, was just foolish childlike thinking.

As adults we realize that we cannot be in love with a movie star. Sometimes the bad guys do win. The Innocence of childhood is in fact long gone. Actors are just actors and they are human like we are. I do know that even when the six million dollar man threw that football, no way should it of broken a rifle in half. I also do know that as an 8 year old girl, I did not appreciate the scene when Steve Austin was running away and the sprinkles came on and his shirt was torn and wet. Definitely a risqué move for the 70's.

I guess what I am trying to say is, life comes in moments. In these moments we have certain perspectives. Perspectives change as do life moments. Can we get back the same perspective once we lost it? My mind tells me no. My childhood memories tell me yes.

It all depends on what we are willing to see when we are looking at what this life's moment is bringing us.

Do we choose to see the good? Do we realize that we are in a moment with only one perspective? Have we allowed our perspective to change so much so that we cannot appreciate the moment we are in?

I think we need to keep some of that childhood perspective as we grow into adulthood. We need to keep things light sometimes. We need not to take ourselves so seriously. Learn to appreciate the moment we are in instead of rushing on to the next one.

Appreciate the perspective of the past in order to truly enjoy the present moment we are in.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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