Tuesday, November 1, 2016

12 seems about right........

I have written three posts this week and keep changing them. I thought I should post something inspirational and filled with wisdom. You see, I am turning 50. That, half a century mark. The big 5 0.  It's one of those milestones that should leave me feeling accomplished and wiser. 

Yeah, I'm winging this thing called life. Wiser, depends on the moment.  Accomplished, well I do have 4 healthy happy kids, so yeah, check accomplished.

This is my 2 cents worth:

Know that Love is free. You can't hold onto something that is meant to be free.

Some of us are connected.  Allow the connection to be what it's meant to be.  Some people are meant to come and go throughout your life.  Let them.

Be honest with yourself. Always. Even when you're not with others.

All relationships require your time and energy.

Forgive yourself.  If you don't, how will you be able to forgive anyone else?

Value yourself, so others will know your worth.

Regrets suck. Go for it or let it go.

Expectations ruin relationships.

Love the body you have and you will be confident and sexy. Your size means nothing.

When a person tells you that you hurt them, you don't get to decide that you didn't.

Time is precious, treat it that way.

Life can suck.  Allow yourself a 24hr period of self-pity and move on.

Life can be wonderful and fun. Make the most of it.

Your age marks how many years you have been alive.

How you feel about yourself is how old you really are.

Today, I feel about 12, without a care in the world.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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