Friday, October 21, 2016

Grasshopper to Jackie...Can you hear me????

This is a photo of my visitor during my lunch break today. The Grasshopper. Yesterday I was sitting in my van at the bus stop waiting for my daughter.  It was a nice day and I had my windows opened. All of a sudden there was this bird that flew into the side of my van and  it cause the bird to let go of the grasshopper it was holding. The grasshopper landed on my passengers seat for a moment and then it jumped out the window. It happened so fast I didn't get a pic.

So two days in a row, it had to mean something. I googled the meaning of the grasshopper:

"When the grasshopper appears to us we are being asked to take a leap of faith and jump forward into a specific area of life without fear. Usually that specific area is one that we have avoided and is often connected to change on a larger scale. This can represent a change in location, relationships, career or just in the way we perceive ourselves.

Grasshoppers can only jump forward....not backward, or sideways. So, when grasshopper shows up he could be reaffirming to you that you are taking the right steps to move forward in your current situation. Or it could be that he is telling you to go ahead and move forward, getting past what is hindering you. This is why grasshopper is the symbol of good luck all over the world. Grasshopper's ability to connect and understand sound vibrations is why he is also a symbol of your inner voice. he could be telling you to trust yours."

If you are a regular follower of my blog, you know that I believe there is a reason for everything. Now if you read my blog from 10/13--Right-side up or Upside down??, you will see that this is just another confirmation for me. The word Perspective came to me a week ago. Now I am seeing grasshoppers. I get it. Loud n Clear. Message received.

You may think it was just coincidence but nope. I have been struggling with something and couldn't figure it out. God, the universe, or whatever you choose to believe, has guided me to my answer.

Whether I choose to act on it, is up to me but I am not sure what else could be sent my way. I mean a word was sent. Then an insect. I dare not imagine what could be next......

I think that when we are in need and answer is given. It is given in a way that we will understand it. When we are in touch with our intuitive side, the answers are easily discovered. I didn't look for it. Actually, I just let the issue be and did nothing about it.

Gut instincts, just knowing, and however it is that you believe all come from somewhere.

Coincidences are little connections to you. There are reasons for everything.

Clear your mind and let go of all the unnecessary things that get you off track.

And who knows you just might get the answer you need.

Grasshopper Out!

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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