Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The First To Throw A Stone.........

Lie-Noun-a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.

Fib-Noun-a small or trivial lie; minor falsehood.

Is it ever okay to tell a lie?

Does it sound better when we call a lie, a fib?

Withholding the truth will be considered a lie--it is debatable but a lie is lie.

Are there different degrees of lies? Minor lie? Major lie? Withholding information lie?

Can you believe someone once you caught them in a lie?

Is a person considered bad if they lie?

I think we all lie to some degree.

Come across someone you haven't seen in a long time and they ask you how you doin? What is your response?

I immediately say good, okay or whatever comes to mind. I am not about to go into the details of my life with someone who is not an immediate part of it. Does that mean I am not good or whatever? No but depending on the moment of my life, I could have a million other things going on. Telling the truth would mean I would have to say, "Overall good, but I got some stuff that I do not want to discuss with you. No offense."

What if you run into someone that you do not care for? They say Hi. How do you respond? Do you say, "Hey, how you doin?" Isn't that a lie if you no longer care about this person, do you really care how they are? Telling the truth would mean, "Hey, don't talk to me cause I could really care less about you. No offense."

You plan a surprise for someone.  You lie about your whereabouts so you do not have to tell this person what you are planning.

So what hurts more? The lie. Or The truth?

Is it really all black and white? Is there any grey?

Yes a lie, fib, or withholding information is considered a lie. That is what is black and white.

The reason behind the lie, well that is the grey.

Now I will ask you this, if there is a good reason for telling a fib or lie, does that lesson the credibility of the person?

Can a person with integrity withhold information without being considered a liar?

If you are willing to justify a lie, than what does that say about you?

Until next time,

~It is what it is~

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