Monday, October 3, 2016

You write the ending of your fairytale.....

~Once Upon A Time~

There was little girl who believed she was unworthy of the world she lived in. Those around her never understood her. She never understood herself. She felt like a square peg in a world that was made for round objects. Understanding everyone and yet never being understood herself, made for a lonely existence.

Childhood was unbearable but she made do. As she grew into adulthood she buried her past deep with in.  She searched for love, believing that would settle her soul. Sadly, each time she found love, it was not meant to be. She had not yet settled her demons from the past. She didn't realize that by holding on to her demons, she was pushing away true happiness and love.

She fooled herself for a time. Believed that she could live a life like those living in this round world. She found things to comfort her soul for short periods of time. They kept her demons quiet for a time. Once they started to scream and grow restless again, she would simply cut ties and move on once again.

A soul in pain, will always be in pain until the owner lets go of the pain.  In this story, the girl needs to realize the ache deep inside her is not her demons but her soul crying out for help. You see whenever we come across someone who is a part of us or live a life that is not true to our soul, it touches our soul with a pain deep within us. If we are foolish with our life, a piece of our soul is ripped away. It is a real pain that leaves us in a constant state of suffering. We will do anything to numb that pain for we can never truly heal it by holding on to it.

As in all fairy tales, there has to be a happy ending, right? Nope, not always the case in real life. In real life the woman needs to learn that by holding on to all of the pain and demons, she is sealing her fate. A life of misery.

Once the pain has been made continuously numb, it is hard to let that comfort go. The mind has a way of convincing us that we are ok with the state we are in.

The only way she will find a happy ending is if she will be willing to let go of all the pain and demons that have provided her with a comfort of being that square piece in a round world.

Maybe one day she will realize that the world is in fact round. She is a square piece that does not need to fit in to belong and that is exactly what this world needs.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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