Thursday, March 2, 2017

Spotlight or not..I am good either way...

Sums it up, doesn't? At some point in our lives, we all want to be chosen over everyone else, don't we?

Oh, we can try to deny it but there it is, in ever so black n white.

It starts when we are kids. We want to be picked first (over everyone) for a game or a task. Line leader in class, teachers helper. Yep, we stand there going please pick me first, please do not let me be last!!!

When we are teens, we want to be the one asked to the dance or some function by the most popular guy/gal, or to be part of the "in" crowd, leaving us to be among the chosen few.

As adults, we strive to excel in our careers and family. To provide the best for those we love and be the best we can be. Once again, being part of the elite.

What happens to those of us that could care less about competing with anyone else or to be one of the chosen few?

Do we still have the same desire to be wanted and chosen over everyone and anything else?

Yes, we still do. Just not in the same way.

We may not need the spotlight that goes with being chosen first or being the most popular.  We don't even have to be the first person who gets called.

What we want is to be the one who gets the full unabridged version of the story or the one who proudly sits on the side lines watching you succeed.

It is not always about being in the spotlight or being picked first.

The need to be chosen first or for support, is really the same need. It makes us feel proud of an accomplishment. It does not matter if it is for ourselves or someone else.

We each have a need that needs to be fulfilled.

We all want to be chosen.

What we are chosen to do, is who we are.

Take pride in that. Embrace your ability to shine in the spotlight or being the one behind the scenes, it is same.

There's no shame in either one.

The true accomplishment is being fulfilled with knowing who we are and staying true to that.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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