Thursday, March 2, 2017

I am a Scorpio....

John asked Mary about Zodiac signs and if she believed there was any truth to them, even an ounce?

Mary stated that she believed that we have some connection to the sun, stars, moon and ocean. But does not believe that the Zodiac describes a person to a T or is it to be used as tool to predict ones life.

Why is it that animals can sense a big storm coming? Why do people act odd during a full moon?  Why does the ocean have a calming affect for some and mountains bring peace to others?

Mary believes that we are all connected to earth as we are to each other. Some believe that God created everything giving us the connection to one another. The same belief holds true if you believe in the theory of evolution.  Giving us the connection coming from the same place.

John believes a bit more of the Zodiac. The defining of elements of each sign is the reason certain people find peace at the ocean and others in the mountains. That people are meant to cross paths to accomplish something for each other. That being said, he also believes that the Zodiac can describe a person's personality but maybe not their future.

John believes that we are meant to be something to each other. To be a lesson or a happy ending.

Mary thought about this. Have you ever thought about this? Ever had a bad relationship but learned something in the end? Meet someone, who you would never imagine being friends with, but they end up helping you in ways that you have never imagined. Meet someone who changes your world so much so, that you see yourself in new ways, become better just by knowing them? Simply put, have you ever been drawn to someone?

Mary and John believe that we are given options to better ourselves throughout our lifetime, because we all come from the same beginning. 

Our lives have meaning and we are set to accomplish something along this journey called life.

It is up to us to be open to what each person brings to us.  We cannot allow fear, and the need to control our own life, to stop us from truly living the life we are meant to live.

Maybe our Zodiac sign is meant to give us an understanding of who we are by knowing what we came from.

I realized something about the Zodiac after talking with Mary and John.

Regardless of what I believe about the Zodiac itself, it is made up of Earth, Fire, Water and Air.

I know I need all those elements in order to survive, we all do.

And that has to mean something.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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