Thursday, March 30, 2017

In the wells of Silence....

This, simple song, completely interprets today's world. I hope it touches your soul, as it has mine.

There are so many ways to keep in touch with each other today. Texting, Facebook, twitter, emails, skyping, snapchat, and much more.  In that same moment, we are more alone than ever before.

We are left feeling alone and becoming quite accustomed to it. We are dealing with a depth of fakeness that is easily masked within the technological world.  We are losing touch with the reality of people.

We can feel that we are wandering through this life alone. It is becoming so dark that it is not a surprise to read the headlines anymore:

"An officer was slashed in the head and another one was slashed in the arm before one officer was able to fatally shoot the attacker." Queens, NY--03/19/207

"Florida teens accused of planning school shooting-01/27/2017"

Through these acts of violence, our lives have become meaningless. Completely Meaningless.

Human life. Your Life. Police officers are being attacked by the same people they vowed to serve and protect.

Children. Yours and Mine, are attacking one another.

We are more concerned with how much we are paying for healthcare and equal rights for all, than we are actually for one another.  We are Alone.

Abortions--266,001 01/01/2017-03/30/2017
Suicide--10,419 01/01/2017-03/30/2017

276,420 lives in 3 months time, gone. (Real time death stats)

When we do rally together for a cause, it only divides us further apart. Forcing us to take sides instead of coming together for a solution. No one is willing to swallow their own pride and give in for another human being. For the greater good of all mankind.

We respond to the neon lights and keep our heads down, blind to everything around us. Keeping to ourselves even more. Do not tell me, who, how, or what to believe in or do. I look out for me and my own.

"And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon God they made.

And there are those like you 'n me, but we feel that we are alone.

"Fools said I, you do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you,
Take my arms that I might reach you.
But my words like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed
In the wells of silence"

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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