Thursday, March 23, 2017

The best medicine in life is free......

Some of life's best moments are the unpredictable ones. Those unexpected, couldn't plan it if I tried, moments.  They make some of the best memories, ever!!!

I have a bad chest cold.  When I laugh, I start out with a wheeze, that turns into a rattle, and ends up sounding like a dying seal. Seriously. One of the manager's that I work with, was showing me how to run a program.  I started laughing and tried to talk, my voice came out like a dying seal, which made us laugh even harder and then before we knew it, we couldn't look at each other without laughing all over again. I had to get up and leave the room to catch my breath.

It got me thinking about the unexpected moment. Those, you had to be there, moments to understand. I have experienced a few of them. I can remember just breaking out into odd dance moves at work, yelling "Hi" across the room several times throughout the day, being the only one in a group of people walking only to suddenly trip and ungracefully fall, and a few others come to mind.

Repeating them, they lose theirmeaning unless you were there to share in the moment.

What about you? Do you have any of those kind of  moments to recall? Do you still giggle as you think about them?

If you don't, why? Have you been too busy trying to make a life and living up to responsibilities to actually enjoy life?

When was the last time to had a deep belly uncontrollable laugh?  If you can't remember, then you not living life as you should.

And it is time you do so.

Laughter does not cost you a thing, except moments filled with joy.

And that is why they say, "The best medicine in life is free."

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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