Friday, February 24, 2017

It is YOU and it will always be YOU.......

The mind is a very powerful thing.

It can give you all the courage you need to be everything that you can imagine becoming.

It can take away that same courage and have you believing that you can't be anything at all.

Yes, the mind is that powerful.

You can choose to believe that You hold your own destiny and power within you or choose to believe that you don't.  It really is up to you and only you.

Look at your life now, everything in it is a direct result of how you think of yourself and what you think you deserve in life. It is easy to become dependent upon the adoration and accolades of others to boost our own self-image and confidence. But, it is really what we believe in our self, that will carry us through everything and all that our life brings to us. What you have accepted your life to be.  Who you have accepted to become.

Honesty is the best gift you could possibly give yourself. Tough pill to swallow but sometimes it is needed in order to keep moving forward. Nobody likes to think of themselves as being less than perfect, but a reality check once in awhile can go along way.

We are meant to change and evolve with life.

We are meant to do certain things until that changes and we do other things.

We are meant to be with certain people in our life. Some come n go, while others remain.

Our opinion of ourselves needs to remain positive and strong, always.

It is really the only one of true value.

It is the one that can make us or break us.......

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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