Wednesday, March 8, 2017

You Ain't Coming Along.............


It can just be all too much sometimes!!!

Some days you just want a break from all of it.  ALL OF IT.

I say, Go. Leave it ALL behind. Go.

Yes, you read that right. I am saying GO when it gets to be too much.

Take a break from the relationship. Take a vacation from the job.

Stop being responsible. Stop, just Go, and be by yourself for a bit.

GO, and do not think about anything.

What will walking away from it all, do for us?

It can bring us clarity.

Do not get me wrong, we all have responsibilities that we have to take care of. No way around it. That is just being an adult. I am talking about when we are too busy doing for everyone else and never ourselves. I am talking about always choosing to do the right thing. Putting others ahead of ourselves each and every time. Trying to hold back what we do not want to deal with.  All of it is exhausting.

Take a break from it all. Go sit on a beach. Take a hike. Go visit someone you haven't seen in ages and know you can just be without explanation. Take a legit break.

When you come back to the responsibilities of your life, you will come back feeling on top of the world. You will know what is truly important to you.

You will have a better understanding of you.  It is OKAY to put yourself first.

So, what is stopping you, from being a better YOU?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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