Monday, March 20, 2017

We are an endangered species....

Square peg living in a round world? 

Just want to mind your own business but keep getting dragged into all that drama?

Try to help but only get dumped on in the end?

Being kind only gets you used 'n abused by the ever so fake?

See the obstacle, overcome it, see the obstacle, overcome it, will it ever end?

Give your best, only to be told it is not good enough?

Give your heart freely, only to have it shattered into a million pieces?

Being real with everything, only to be rejected for your empathy?

Run away, only end up back where you started?

The Fake are so better at playing the game.

The REAL are an endangered species.

And we are becoming extinct.

Yes, the world has gone crazy.

There is no real solution here. Hearts will heal and lessons will be learned.

Realize it is not you. If your going to go down, you want to be able to go out on your own terms.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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